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Humza Yousaf
Is this the end for Humza Yousaf?


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  1. Gambling on screen
    Alarming new problem gambling figure shows need for reform


  2. Secondary school pupils
    Children in England may be able to socially transition whilst at school


  1. Doctors remain opposed to assisted suicide

    Assisted Suicide

  1. Hospital uk
    Doctors remain opposed to assisted suicide

    Assisted Suicide

  1. Paivi on Trial 1 scaled
    Finnish politician found not guilty of hate speech over bible tweet

    Freedom of Speech

  1. House of Lords at sunset
    Conversion Therapy Ban tops Lords bill ballot


  2. X twitter
    Football fan has membership suspended over gender critical tweets

    Freedom of Speech

  3. Gambling on screen
    ‘Safer Gambling Week’ is a cynical stunt - we need real action


  1. Stock exchange
    Yuval Noah Harari says AI has potential to cause 'catastrophic' financial crisis

    Artificial Intelligence

  2. Canada
    MPs warned Canada not an example to follow on assisted suicide laws

    Assisted Suicide

  3. Shutterstock 177132158 1
    New guidance urges tech companies to crack down on online child abuse
