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  1. Trafficking 4
    Hundreds of trafficked children fall off Home Office systems

    Human Trafficking

  2. Emanuviews AK Yjr km Yt Q unsplash
    Asylum seeker given £3,000 to relocate to Rwanda

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  1. Rishi
    Budget cuts reveal that Modern Slavery is ‘less of a priority’ for govt.

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  1. Rwanda plan threat to modern slavery victims

    Human Trafficking

  1. Carer hands holding frail palliative care care home nursing
    Sharp rise in number of modern slavery victims since visa rules relaxed

    Human Trafficking

  1. Rishi
    MPs back Rwanda bill with 320 votes

    Human Trafficking

  2. Shutterstock 1718413066
    Modern slavery victims at further risk of exploitation as a result of Rwanda plan

    Human Trafficking

  3. Stormont General
    Letter: NI police service is failing to enforce sex buyer law

    Human Trafficking

  1. Rishi
    New Rwanda proposals pose a threat to modern slavery victims, CARE warns

    Human Trafficking

  2. Woman looking out window trafficking
    The long wait for support puts victims of modern slavery at great risk

    Human Trafficking

  3. Refugee fence gefd4d1f82 1280 Pixabay free stock images
    Rwanda scheme was a threat to vulnerable trafficking victims

    Human Trafficking