Human Trafficking

New Rwanda proposals pose a threat to modern slavery victims, CARE warns


Press release: Modern slavery victims are at risk of harm under the government’s new Rwanda plans, CARE has said.

Speaking ahead of a debate on the new proposals, Louise Davies MBE, Director of Policy and Advocacy at CARE, commented:

“We remain deeply concerned about the impact of the Rwanda plan on victims of modern slavery. Victims are unlikely to receive the level of specialist care in Rwanda that they could access in the UK. And a move to an unfamiliar place could in itself compound trauma in exploited people.

“This is the latest in a long series of blows to victims of modern slavery. Access to support is being frustrated by the Illegal Migration Act. At the weekend, we learned that a victim support model has been scrapped by the Home Office. The government should be improving, not rolling back, support.”


Notes for Editors

Christian Action Research and Education (CARE) is a social policy charity, bringing Christian insight to the policies and laws that affect our lives.

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