Pornography 2

Topic Primer

We live in an increasingly digital age. There is no doubt that technology is extraordinary. It brings incredible opportunities but also daunting challenges, especially for children and young people for whom access to harmful online content is only a click or a swipe away.

CARE is committed to protecting the innocence of childhood and we are working towards a society where our young people are as well protected online as they are offline.

young girl on a mobile

NB. Build out The story behind age verification


Video - Protecting and Supporting Young people online

Article (turn into one)

Baroness Howe of Idlicote
Baroness Howe of Idlicote Former Crossbench Peer
If we really care about chil­dren then we must not shy away from using the law to pro­tect them online, as we do very prop­erly offline.

Recent pornography news

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Ofcom must abandon 'softly-softly' approach to enforcement of online safety rules

Communications regulator Ofcom needs to abandon its "softly-softly" approach to the enforcement of online safety rules, CARE has said.

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'Ofcom too slow to act on OnlyFans safeguarding fears'

Latop in the dark with lid half closed

Creating a 'deepfake' sexual image should be an offence, CARE says

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Porn 'nudification' ban mooted by Labour is backed by most Brits, poll shows

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Global study reveals nearly 100 million addicted to pornography

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