Sexual Exploitation
Sexual Exploitation


We believe people were made for purpose, not purchase. Exploitation within the sex industry affects some of the most vulnerable in our society. As Christians, we are called to bring freedom and restoration to those who are oppressed and abused in the commercial sex trade. 

We are working to build a society where no one is for sale, where vulnerable people do not feel prostitution is their only choice, and where those in prostitution are genuinely supported and helped to rebuild their lives.


7 ways to pray for Sexual Exploitation - (UPDATE)

10 things you should know about Sexual Exploitation - (UPDATE)

Rachel Moran
Rachel Moran Author of Paid For: My Journey Through Prostitution
Pros­ti­tu­tion has a ripple effect. It cre­ates the illus­ory view in the minds of men that women are not human beings as men are, but simply the walk­ing car­ri­er of a product…they are effort­lessly and imper­cept­ibly releg­ated from the realms of the human. They are not people on a par with their male counterparts.

What is CARE doing?

CARE is calling on the Government to do more to address demand for commercial sexual exploitation and to provide support programmes for those who want to exit prostitution.

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News about Sexual Exploitation

  1. Woman looking out window trafficking
    Scottish Government 'dragging its heels' on purchase of sex law change

    Sexual Exploitation

  1. Trafficking 4
    Trafficking victims not referred for support

    Sexual Exploitation

  2. Sex for rents 3
    Mums turning to prostitution to cope with cost-of-living crisis, research shows

    Sexual Exploitation