A better story
We believe people were made for purpose, not purchase. Sexual exploitation is not part of God's better story for anyone, and as Christians, we are called to bring freedom and restoration to those who are oppressed and abused in the commercial sex trade.
We want to build our successful campaign to criminalise payment for sex in Northern Ireland by introducing similar legislation in England, Scotland and Wales.
And our vision is a society where no one is for sale, where vulnerable people do not feel prostitution is their only choice, and where those in prostitution are genuinely supported and helped to rebuild their lives.

Prostitution has a ripple effect. It creates the illusory view in the minds of men that women are not human beings as men are, but simply the walking carrier of a product…they are effortlessly and imperceptibly relegated from the realms of the human. They are not people on a par with their male counterparts.
What is CARE doing?
CARE is calling on the Government to do more to address demand for commercial sexual exploitation and to provide support programmes for those who want to exit prostitution.