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CARE Resources

At CARE, our vision is simple: we want to see politics renewed and lives transformed. At its best, politics can be a force for good. In Romans 13, we read that God appoints governments and gives them responsibility. Yes, good government is God’s idea!

And when politics is working well, and our leaders seek to promote good and restrain evil, we begin to see a society where everyone flourishes as God intends them to, where injustice is challenged and where the powerless are protected.



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Listen in as Peter and James discuss everything politics related, with a particular focus on the General Election in all its eccentricity. It's fun, it's frantic, it's not to be missed.

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Praying hands girl prayer pray

Prayer Resource Test

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Praying hands girl prayer pray

Prayer Resource Test

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Praying hands girl prayer pray

Prayer Resources

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Praying hands girl prayer pray

Prayer Resource Test

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Peter's Mammoth Page

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