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05: How does God reveal himself?

How can we know anything about God at all? James Mildred looks at how we can come to know God, from creation to His Word, the Bible, and God's revelation of Himself through his Son, Jesus. 

General Revelation

Foundations Resource 1

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04: What was God's plan?

In this latest mini-series, Peter Ladd traces out God's plan for the world and how the story of the Old Testament builds up to Jesus, including creation, the fall, covenant, kingdom and corruption.


Foundations Resource 1

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03: What does it mean to be human?

James Mildred teaches on the Doctrine of Man; what it means to be created in God's image, as His stewards, about being male and female, and about how the Fall has impacted our identity.

02: What is God like?

What is God really like? What are his attributes? In this second mini-series, Pete Killingley teaches on God's holiness, sovereignty, wisdom, love, and His unchanging nature.

01: Who is God?

Who is God? What do we know about Him? In this first series of videos, Peter Ladd speaks about a God who is transcendent and yet personal, and who is in Three in One, with an extended look at each member of the Trinity.

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