
Topic Primer

The last decade has seen a surge in young people seeking gender identity services, with an increase of over 1,400% for boys and 5,300% for girls. Some claim our bodies don't matter, and what really matters is how we feel inside. The Bible tells us a different story about our bodies, our feelings, and our identity, which explains distress now and offers life and hope for the future.

Our vision is to see a society in which young people can flourish and be safeguarded from an ideology which encourages them to pursue changes which have potentially life-changing physical, emotional and mental consequences.


Sam Allberry
Sam Allberry Pastor and Speaker
Our cul­ture says: Your psy­cho­logy is your sexu­al iden­tity – let your body be con­formed to it. The Bible says: Your body is your sexu­al iden­tity – let your mind be con­formed to it.”

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