Modern Slavery
Human Trafficking


Human trafficking, modern day slavery and exploitation in the commercial sex industry are some of the grossest violations of human dignity. As Christians, God calls us to bring freedom and restoration to those who are oppressed and ill-treated as a sign of our commitment to Him. CARE believes that every person is made in the image of God and that human trafficking is a violation of that fundamental truth.

Join us in working to tackle demand for human trafficking, advocating for a longer period of support for victims, and for improved victim care – particularly for children.


Kevin Bales
Kevin Bales Professor of Contemporary Slavery, University of Nottingham
Slavery is not a hor­ror safely con­fined to the past; it con­tin­ues to exist through­out the world, even in developed countries…Across the world slaves work and sweat and build and suffer.

Recent human trafficking news

Trafficking 4

Hundreds of trafficked children fall off Home Office systems

New data has revealed that in 2022, 1,871 children identified as potential victims of human trafficking or modern slavery dropped off the support system set up by the UK government system after they turned 18.

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Asylum seeker given £3,000 to relocate to Rwanda

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British boys at greater risk of modern slavery, report finds


Budget cuts reveal that Modern Slavery is ‘less of a priority’ for govt.

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Rwanda plan threat to modern slavery victims

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