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  1. Classroom taylor flowe 4n KOEA Qa Tg A unsplash
    Poll reveals parental concerns about sex education as govt publishes guidance

    Marriage and Family

  2. School class taylor flowe 4n KOEA Qa Tg A unsplash 1
    Parents have right to see sex education material, says minister

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    11 Bishops refuse to endorse plans to bless same-sex couples

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  1. Mum and kids alexander dummer UH xs Fiz Tk unsplash
    Press release: Reforming tax rules to help families is vital, says CARE

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  1. Miriam Cates MP
    New law would give parents access to RSE materials

    Marriage and Family

  2. Shutterstock 174265457
    Mother loses campaign to have RSE materials released

    Marriage and Family

  3. Mother and baby 5
    First three-parent baby born in UK

    Marriage and Family

  1. Classroom taylor flowe 4n KOEA Qa Tg A unsplash
    Government to produce trans guidance for English schools for summer term

    Marriage and Family

  2. Marriage 28p129 f
    Marriage is between a man and a woman and should be championed - MP

    Marriage and Family

  3. Classroom taylor flowe 4n KOEA Qa Tg A unsplash
    UK Government orders review of sex education teaching in English schools

    Marriage and Family