Marriage and Family

Government to produce trans guidance for English schools for summer term

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The UK Government will produce guidance for schools on transgender issues, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has said.

A document giving a government steer on dealing with trans identifying children will be signed off by the summer term.

Mr Sunak made the announcement after a teaching union complained members are navigating a "minefield".

A government statement reads: "The education secretary is working closely with the minister for women and equalities to produce guidance for schools, which we will be consulting on shortly."

"In the meantime, we are clear that schools should make sure they work with parents, pupils and public services to decide what is best for individual children", it adds.

Last week, an alarming report from the Policy Exchange found schools are routinely allowing pupils to change genders without telling parents.

When he was asked about the report, Rishi Sunak said he was "very concerned" by the suggestion parents are being snubbed.

"For me, the safety and wellbeing of our children is of paramount importance", the Prime Minister said.

"I've also been clear that parents must be able to know what is being taught to their kids in schools".
