Marriage and Family

Topic Primer

At the very beginning, God created the family as one of the great building blocks in society. He also established marriage from the dawn of creation, and He officiated at the first ever wedding service. Strong families are foundational to a healthy society. Marriages too are vital, representing the gold standard of commitment. Our vision is to see society transformed by families being strengthened and more support being given to help couples stay together.


Tim Keller
Tim Keller Pastor and author of The Meaning of Marriage
Real love, the Bible says, instinct­ively desires permanence
Centre for Social Justice
Centre for Social Justice
Fam­ily envir­on­ment is cru­cial to children’s out­comes. It is the instabil­ity and dis­rup­tion caused by fam­ily break­down, coupled with poor par­ent­ing, that is so dam­aging to their outcomes.

Recent marriage and family news

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Poll reveals parental concerns about sex education as govt publishes guidance

Press release: Almost half of parents in England are concerned about what their children are being taught in relationships and sex education, polling commissioned by CARE shows.

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Parents have right to see sex education material, says minister

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More than 70 MPs back new law on parental access to RSE material

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11 Bishops refuse to endorse plans to bless same-sex couples

Dad with child on his shoulders

Fathers have positive impact on children's educational outcomes

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