Please note: this article reflects the author’s personal views. CARE is politically neutral.
James Mildred
Press release: 27/01/22
A former Conservative Minister is attempting to compel the UK Government to bring forward assisted suicide legislation through a cynical amendment to health and care proposals.
Assisted Suicide
The most "insidious" images on the internet could evade government online safety legislation, a Committee of MPs has warned.
Assisted Suicide
Sexual Exploitation
Almost 90,000 students in the UK are trapped in gambling addiction, according to a new study.
A Maltese MEP who has defended the rights of the unborn has been elected president of the European Parliament.
New legislation has been introduced at Westminster to challenge harmful images in advertising.
Controversial government legislation designed to clamp down on protests has met with strong opposition in the House of Lords.
Freedom of Speech
Scotland's Finance Secretary has said she will oppose assisted suicide proposals before Holyrood.
Assisted Suicide
The College of Physicians of Ireland has warned against assisted suicide saying the practice is not compatible with good care and undermines patient safety.
Assisted Suicide