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Humza Yousaf
Is this the end for Humza Yousaf?


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  1. Empty wheelchair by hospital sofa
    Scottish assisted suicide plans are a threat to disabled people, say campaigners

    Assisted Suicide

  2. Police officers in high-viz jackets policing a demonstration
    Former Senior Judge: Hate Crime Act is 'unworkable'

    Freedom of Speech

  1. Scan 2g
    Over half of the British public oppose MPs plans to decriminalise abortion


  1. Nicola Sturgeon Gov Scot site photo
    Nicola Sturgeon: I'm veering against voting for assisted suicide

    Assisted Suicide

  1. JK Rowling
    JK Rowling challenges Scotland’s new hate-speech law

    Freedom of Speech

  2. Scottish Parliament Edinburgh
    New Scottish Hate Crime Bill "set to be a shambles", says MSP

    Freedom of Speech

  3. Scotland holyrood edinburgh
    Scotland assisted suicide Bill: 'Right to die' could become 'duty to die', warns CARE

    Assisted Suicide

  1. Gambling companies s
    Gambling should be "seen as a health concern", says ex gambling addict


  2. Heidi speaks to media
    MP aims to stop abortion to term for Down Syndrome


  3. Young boy on laptop online gambling
    "Sneaky" social media advertising is luring young people into gambling
