A better story


CARE recognises the serious challenges posed by a society that has in many ways chosen ideas of secularisation and individualism in place of the biblical values that once influenced our lives.


CARE believes that God has ordained government, local and national, to do good. Positive change is possible, especially when we graciously put forward clear arguments to convince people of the wisdom and effectiveness of Christian principles.


CARE is committed to being 'salt and light', engaging across the board with policy shapers to bring an informed, authentic Christian worldview.

With these three core convictions CARE is working towards a vision of a God-honouring society in these key areas…

1. Human traf­fick­ing is effect­ively dealt with and vic­tims receive prop­er support

We believe that no human being should be robbed of freedom and dignity by being treated as mere commodities.

Our vision is for a society where human trafficking is consigned to history and victims of modern slavery are protected and supported so they can rebuild their lives.

What will CARE do?

  • Build on our successful promotion of strong anti-trafficking legislation throughout the UK
  • Continue with 26 other organisations, to coordinate the Free for Good campaign, pressing government for better protection and care for rescued victims of modern slavery
  • Relaunch this with a new Modern Slavery Bill
  • Ensure anti-slavery laws across the UK are fit for purpose
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2. Chil­dren are pro­tec­ted online, and people addicted to por­no­graphy can be free

We believe that children should be kept safe and encouraged to grow up into healthy, happy adulthood.

Our vision is for a society where children and young people are properly protected, to diminish the risk of exposure to explicit material and abuse online.

What will CARE do?

  • Build on our success in creating political pressure for age checks on pornographic websites
  • Work with parliamentarians on legislation to bring comparable protections on social media
  • Advocate new ways of protecting children online
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3. Prob­lem gambling is pre­ven­ted where pos­sible and those dam­aged by it are helped to recover

We believe that people whose lives could be damaged seriously by addiction should receive the help they need.

Our vision is for a society that values people’s wellbeing above financial gain that comes from exploiting their weaknesses.

What will CARE do?

  • Build on our successful campaign that resulted in GAMSTOP – which has enabled 50,000 people to self-exclude from online gambling
  • Work with parliamentarians towards implementing a social responsibility levy on the gambling industry.
  • Push for tighter controls on gambling advertising
  • Continue to highlight the need to protect those vulnerable to gambling addiction and its associated harm.
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4. Eth­ic­al issues around new tech­no­lo­gies are thought through, to bene­fit all

We believe that God is the Maker all things and has commissioned us to make discoveries and develop every aspect of the created order to benefit humanity.

Our vision is for a society where innovation, knowledge and creativity is encouraged but never to the detriment of people and the environment in which we live.

What will CARE do?

  • Continue to bring together key individuals to explore these issues and help to educate and equip the church to be at the forefront of change
  • Provide first class, contemporary resources to this end
  • Explore the nature of any legislation needed to ensure new technologies are wisely regulated
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5. There is free­dom for people to live out their faith without fear of intim­id­a­tion or marginalisation

We believe that everyone has the right to practise what they believe and should show genuine tolerance towards others who disagree with them

Our vision is for a society that does not discriminate against certain people but provides equal opportunities for everyone to enjoy freedom of speech and to live according to their beliefs, respecting others.

What will CARE do?

  • Work to ensure government anti-extremism plans do not intrude on precious civil liberties
  • Encourage government to appreciate the role of faith in society and uphold important values
  • Promote free speech in universities and other establishments

6. Vul­ner­able women, chil­dren and men are safe­guarded by mak­ing it illeg­al to pay for sex

We believe it is totally unacceptable for women to be oppressed and abused by being sexually exploited.

Our vision is for a society where it is illegal to buy sex and vulnerable women are protected and supported to find exit routes out of prostitution.

What will CARE do?

  • Build on our successful campaign to criminalise payment for sex in Northern Ireland; work with parliamentarians to introduce similar legislation in England, Wales and Scotland.
  • Work with like-minded partners to persuade MPs and build momentum behind this vital change
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7. All unborn chil­dren are pro­tec­ted, and moth­ers are supported

We believe that women and unborn babies have inherent value and dignity, and we advocate for the health and wellbeing of both.

Our vision is for a society that protects and respects unborn babies, where abortion is unthinkable, and where women are offered all the help they need.

What will CARE do?

  • Resist pressure to further liberalise the law across the United Kingdom
  • Promote positive policies on pre-natal care and support for women who face an unplanned pregnancy.
  • Continue to invest in OPEN, CARE’s ministry for women in the church who have had an abortion or suffered a miscarriage.
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8. People are val­ued and cared for to the end of their lives

We believe in upholding the unique worth and dignity of human life through to its natural end.

Our vision is for a society that cherishes people with life-limiting conditions and provides the best care for those reaching the end of their lives.

What will CARE do?

  • Resist attempts to make assisted suicide legal
  • Promote the provision of palliative care so that everyone has access to it
  • Demonstrate the dangers of assisted suicide for patients, their families and medical professionals while helping people to be more aware of the positive alternatives
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9. Fam­il­ies are strengthened, and mar­riage is encouraged

We believe God ordained marriage as the building block of society and that families are the best means of raising children and including those remaining single

Our vision is for a society where family life is protected, marriage is financially more accessible and where the importance of both parents is better understood.

What will CARE do?

  • Build on our ongoing campaign to end discrimination in the UK tax system that penalises single earner married families.
  • Explore new policy solutions to strengthen family life
  • Support MPs and Peers advocating pro-family policies
  • Communicate effectively that supporting family life includes consideration for those who are single.
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10. The Church is con­fid­ent: stand­ing for truth, demon­strat­ing com­pas­sion, engaged in society

We believe that God works through the Church to accomplish His purposes as local churches are ‘light and salt’, blessing communities across the nation

Our vision is for a confident church equipped to pray, to reach out with the gospel and in compassionate action; defending truth with Christlike grace, especially about key ethical issues.

CARE encourages individual Christians and churches to engage in society through prayer and practical involvement.

What will CARE do?

  • Develop resources that inspire and mobilise Christians
  • Build stronger relationships with rising generations

Chris­ti­ans have a bet­ter story to tell!

At the 2018 National Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast, of which CARE is a sponsor, Tim Keller spoke of Jesus’ mandate to be ‘salt of the earth.’

‘Christians should be dispersed in the societies of the world… bringing out the best in that particular culture and preventing its worse tendencies as well. But only if Christians remain ‘salt’, which is different from the rest of the culture.’

Thank God for His grace and mercy to our nation and for every opportunity to see positive change. God is able to bring about transformation as His people live according to His ways, seek His wisdom and commit to pray and work for His Kingdom.


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