Gambling 2 min

Topic Primer

Whilst there is no direct biblical command not to gamble, it is far from silent on the topic. In fact, gambling can often lead to or exacerbate traits we are clearly instructed and warned to steer away from, such as greed, the love of money and selfishness.

Our vision is to see laws passed that will help protect vulnerable problem gamblers from further harm. We also want to see existing laws strengthened so the gambling industry is brought properly to account.


Lord Browne of Belmont
Lord Browne of Belmont Life peer
I am incred­ibly grate­ful to CARE for pro­pos­ing the MOSES amend­ment to me and for work­ing closely with me until we reached the point of suc­cess. If it was not for CARE devel­op­ing the amend­ment MOSES would not be being rolled out across the UK this June. CARE has achieved a very import­ant pub­lic policy suc­cess that will help some of the most vul­ner­able in our society.

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News about Gambling

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  2. Football gambling online smartphone laptop 0 15
    Record number of people banning themselves from gambling
