James Mildred

James Mildred started working in politics in 2014. He moved to London to work for CARE that same year and also completed a two year church based training programme.

Pieces by James Mildred

  1. Are you an extremist?

    Freedom of Speech

  2. The new thought police?

    Freedom of Speech

  3. Coutts Bank, Nigel Farage and Free Speech

    Freedom of Speech

  4. A response to Lord Carey on assisted suicide

    Assisted Suicide

  5. Tim Keller: 1950-2023


  6. Will a robot take your job?

    Artificial Intelligence

  7. Thank God for Christian MPs


  8. Looking Ahead: Cost of Living

    Marriage and Family

  9. 5 ways online porn harms your child


  10. Nationality and Borders Bill: Firm but Not Fair.

    Human Trafficking