Human Trafficking

Rwanda scheme was a threat to vulnerable trafficking victims

CARE has expressed relief that the controversial Rwanda scheme has been struck down, citing concerns about trafficking victims.

Commenting on the Supreme Court ruling, handed down this morning, Louise Davies MBE of the charity CARE commented:

“This ruling is a welcome recognition of serious concerns expressed by victim organisations. The court recognised a real risk of refoulement – people being sent back to their home countries where there is a high likelihood of them being subject to harm or persecution. For victims of modern slavery or human trafficking, this could have meant further exploitation and trauma at the hands of criminals.

“Victims of trafficking who have entered the country illegally are still in a difficult position, with uncertainty over whether they will be able to access the support they need in order to begin a pathway to recovery and the threat of being immediately removed from the country. We urge the new Home Secretary to take a compassionate approach that ensures that victims of trafficking can receive the sort of long-term support they need."


Notes for Editors

CARE is a social policy charity, bringing Christian insight to the policies and laws that affect our lives. Contact us:
