Pray for the next Prime Minister

James Mildred

The contest to become the next PM continues. As followers of Jesus, it’s critical that we pray about this process (1 Timothy 2:1-2). The Prime Minister sets the tone for the work of government. Their decisions have life changing implications for the nation.

Here’s 10 ways to pray for the next PM.

  1. Pray that God will give us a leader of His grace.
  2. Pray that any leader will restore integrity to politics.
  3. Pray for the Cabinet that will be appointed.
  4. Pray the new PM will uphold religious freedom, free speech and freedom of conscience.
  5. Pray the new PM will ensure vital legislation like age checks for online. porn and new gambling laws are progressed.
  6. Pray that the new PM will respect the value and dignity of all people, including preborn babies.
  7. Pray that they will learn to know God, to experience His power and become a follower of Jesus.
  8. Pray that whoever leads the government will be open to Christian influence.
  9. Pray for a season of undeserved blessing from God where we see much gospel fruit.
  10. Pray that the new PM will restore some respect for and appreciation of the importance of politics.

Fur­ther reading


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