
MPs launch bid to reduce abortion time-limit from 24 to 22 weeks

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A cross-party group of MPs have launched a bid to reduce the abortion time-limit from 24 weeks to 22 weeks.

The last time the time-limit was lowered was in 1990, when it went from 28 weeks to the current 24-week limit.

An amendment has been tabled to the UK Government's Criminal Justice Bill and if selected by Mr Speaker, will give MPs the chance to debate and potentially vote on bringing the abortion time limit down.

Led by Tory MP Caroline Ansel, the amendment has been co-signed by 25 MPs, including two Labour MPs.

The UK's abortion laws are among the most permissive in the world, with the 24 week limit double that of the European average of 12 weeks.

There are also powerful stories of babies surviving when born at 22 weeks and sometimes lower.

The Criminal Justice Bill is due back in the House of Commons for Report Stage. This is when MPs have the chance to consider amendments to the legislation.

An extreme abortion amendment which aims to 'decriminalise' abortion and remove nearly all the last remaining legal safeguards for preborn babies and their mums has also been tabled.

You can email your MP asking them to vote against the decrim amendment and support the amendment to lower the time limit by using our take action tool.
