
'As a woman who experienced miscarriages, I'm grateful for baby loss certificates'

Louise Headshot

The introduction of baby loss certificates for grieving parents has been welcomed by CARE's Louise Davies.

From today, parents in England who lost a baby before 24 weeks will be able to apply for a certificate and have their grief formally recognised.

A similar scheme is being planned in Wales and in Scotland, a memorial book for pre-24 week baby loss is already in place.

In a deeply personal statement on baby loss, Ms Davies, Director of Advocacy and Policy at CARE, said:

“These certificates are just and compassionate, recognising the trauma that accompanies baby loss, and the fact that miscarriage involves the loss of a precious human life – whatever stage it occurs at during pregnancy.

"I know the pain of baby loss deeply, having experienced two miscarriages myself. Both were profoundly difficult experiences for myself and my husband, and more so because our society often fails to give preborn babies the dignity of personhood.

"Campaigners who called for this change should be commended for their tireless efforts, and I am personally grateful to both them and the government for cementing this change.”


Notes for Editors

Christian Action Research and Education (CARE) is a social policy charity, bringing Christian insight to the policies and laws that affect our lives.

Contact us: press@care.org.uk
