Prayers for Israel and Gaza

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Father of mercies, we intercede for the 1.1 million people in northern Gaza who have been warned by Israel to flee imminent bombardment. Please help them to take their families where they can be safe and access food, water, medical care and other vital provisions despite the total blockade on the region. We also pray for Israeli hostages, other victims of Hamas attacks and all who are suffering. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Sovereign God, we pray for political, military and religious leaders involved in this conflict to show genuine willingness to work towards a better future for all Palestinians, Jews and others living in the region. We long for dignity, mercy, justice, peace and love to triumph so please grant wisdom and courage to those with authority across the world working to end this war. For Christ’s sake. Amen.

God of truth, we pray Hamas to be brought to justice. We pray for an end of terrorism and terrorist groups across the world. In your name. Amen.

Lord, we remember Jewish people in the UK and elsewhere who are experiencing an upsurge of antisemitic incidents, resulting in schools being closed to protect children. Please help the police and community groups to bring offenders to justice and protect and reassure Jewish people. In Your mercy. Amen.

A pray­er for Ukraine as well

Almighty God, we continue to bring before You the war in Ukraine, now 600 days old. As fresh Russian military offensives are launched in the south-eastern Donetsk region please grant success to those trying to bring about peace talks. Help those engaged in humanitarian efforts to help the tens of thousands who are refugees, dispossessed, wounded and vulnerable in other ways. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
