Call for purchase of sex laws in UK

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UK politicians should pass laws criminalising the purchase of sex to directly challenge trafficking for the purposes of sexual exploitation, CARE has said.

The charity spoke out as MEPs backed a report on prostitution in the EU, stressing its "impact on gender equality and women’s rights".

In the report, MEPs recognise that prostitution and trafficking for sexual exploitation exist because there is a demand for them.

They also acknowledge that reducing demand is key to prevent and reduce human trafficking and must be done in a way that does not harm women.

And they call on the member states to take urgent measures to tackle online advertisement that directly or indirectly encourages prostitution.

Rebecca Stevenson, a policy expert on trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation at CARE, commented:

“Introducing laws to criminalise the buyer of sex targets the inequality, harm and exploitation that is at the heart of prostitution. It also holds those who drive it – the buyers – accountable for their actions.

“Our current laws on prostitution in the UK are failing to deter traffickers, have not kept pace with technology and crucially, they do not protect victims of sexual exploitation. New legislation is needed.

“A sex buyers law is already in operation in Northern Ireland. We urgently need to extend this legislation to cover Scotland, England and Wales."


Notes for Editors

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