School forced to back down after encouraging pupils to attend in “full-blown drag”

Trans girl

A school in Derbyshire has been forced to cancel a themed non-uniform day called ‘Drag n’Rainbows’, after media pressure. New Mills School had originally encouraged its pupils to attend in drag on 16th June to mark Pride month.

Citing media attention and the impact of potential disruption to pupils taking their GCSEs, Headteacher Heather Watts wrote to parents today calling off the day, although she also stated they would investigate alternative events to recognise Pride.

The school had originally written to parents saying “We are encouraging all students of all genders to wear something rainbow or colourful…They may express themselves by doing something small like wearing a tutu, make-up, or painting their nails, to going all out in full blown drag.”

The school was planning on staging a drag-themed catwalk, and “before school and during break and lunchtime, there will be free drag stations where any student of any gender can apply some glitter, eye shadow or paint their nails to fully express themselves”.

The school had also invited in Sab Samuel, an author who runs Drag Queen Story Hour UK, to address pupils around homophobia and suicide rates among LGBT youth.

Drag Queen Story Hour UK is a highly controversial organisation which sends drag queens in to read to children, including those of primary-school age. Its events are a frequent source of protests.

Tracy Shaw, from the parents’ group Safe Schools Alliance UK, said before the cancellation: “We are extremely concerned that a drag queen has been invited to talk to children about suicide. There are strict guidelines in place for discussing suicide and no-one without specific and rigorous safeguarding and mental health training should be talking to children about the topic.

“Once again safeguarding has gone out of the window as the school appears to be more interested in demonstrating how ‘inclusive’ they are rather than thinking about what inclusivity means.”

The government are due to be publishing guidance on Relationships, Health and Sex Education in schools in the next few months.
