EHRC Chairwoman facing a "despicable witch-hunt" over transgender views

Trans girl

Baroness Falkner, Chair of the Equality and Human Rights Commission, has been accused of bullying and harassment by staff who disagree with her views on gender.

One senior member of staff stated working relationships have “broken down” and suggested employees are “colluding” to oust Falkner to effect a change of policy in the organisation.

Falkner’s allies claim the former Liberal Democrat is a victim of a “hit job” by ECHR officials who oppose the EHRC commissioners’ decision to back a review of Britain’s equalities law.

The 12 commissioners agreed that the government should consider creating a legal distinction between people born female and those who transition to become women, disagreeing with the executive who had advised that any legislative changes would damage transgender rights.

A Times source said:

“The executive was very hostile to the commissioners taking this decision because they had become used to the board just rubber-stamping whatever the staff at the organisation recommended.”
Source for The Times

Falkner’s critics have supposedly compiled a “dossier” of evidence against her, including around 40 claims of bullying and harassment.

Maya Forstater, founder of SexMatters, writing for the Daily Mail, said that when she read the bullying claims against Baroness Falkner she was “shocked and incredulous” and named it “a despicable witch-hunt against a fine and principled woman.”

“The accusations seem totally incongruous with the Baroness’s track record… this 'dossier' has all the hallmarks of a politically motivated set up, such complaints can be horribly effective".
Maya Forstater

In April, Baroness Falkner advised Equalities Minister Kemi Badenoch in an open letter that clarifying the definition of 'sex' to mean 'biological sex' in the 2010 Equality Act would make the Act “fairer and clearer”, especially for women.

More than 100,000 people have shown their support by signing a petition and Parliament will debate it next month.

An independent barrister, brought in by the EHRC, will investigate the claims.
