
Scottish bishops oppose abortion law change

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Roman Catholic Bishops in Scotland have issued a strong statement against the "decriminalisation" of abortion.

A petition calling for abortion decrim is currently before the Scottish parliament, and has 1,500 signatures.

It asks that provisions placing abortion in the criminal law be repealed, removing all potential penalties.

Power to amend the law on abortion lies with the Scottish government, as health is a devolved area.

In a statement sent to a committee of MSPs considering the abortion petition, The Bishops of Scotland say:

“The mark of a humane and compassionate society is to work through the difficulties and challenges women face in the case of a crisis pregnancy in a life affirming, not life destroying manner".

Citing the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, they add that "every child has an intrinsic right to life".

The petition before Holyrood is unlikely to lead to any action, but this could come from elsewhere.

During the SNP leadership campaign, Humza Yousaf pledged to bring forward decriminalisation proposals.

The now First Minister has until 2025 to lodge legislation that has time to pass in the current parliament.

CARE would strongly oppose any bid to relax abortion rules in Scotland, which are already permissive.

The UK has the most liberal abortion regime in Europe, allowing effective abortion on demand to 24-weeks.
