
World Down Syndrome Day: MP pays tribute to inspiring campaigner Heidi Crowter

An MP who led a debate in parliament today marking World Down Syndrome day paid tribute to "valiant campaigner" Heidi Crowter.

Dr Liam Fox, a former minister, quoted Ms Crowter, who is leading a legal challenge of discriminatory UK abortion laws.

The campaigner has said, "people with Down’s syndrome live happy, amazing, fulfilled and independent lives.

"We are not going to give up. I think that all human life is valuable and should be treated with respect however many chromosomes we have."

Heidi speaks to media

Commenting on this, Dr Fox added: “I don’t believe there is a single one of us in this house who cannot agree with that sentiment”.

It is currently legal to abort babies who have a disability after the 24-week limit, and 90 per cent of Down's babies are aborted.

Babies are also aborted past the legal limit for conditions such as cleft palate and clubfoot although cases of this are rare.

CARE has backed Heidi Crowter's challenge of provisions in the Abortion Act 1967, as have celebrities including actress Sally Phillips.

Find out more about Heidi in this article: Meet Heidi Crowter: the Down's syndrome activist challenging the UK's abortion laws | CARE
