Welsh teachers encouraged to teach inappropriate sex education in schools

Trans girl

The Welsh Government have promoted a sex education resource for schools which teaches that children as young as seven might be a “mixed berry gender fluid muffin”, according to the Telegraph.

The 170-page “Agenda” pamphlet, produced by Cardiff University academics in partnership with the Welsh Government, the Children’s Commissioner for Wales and charities, makes the claim that biological sex “is not just ‘male’ and ‘female’”, and instructs teachers that some “want to change our gender pronouns … or want to be ‘agender’”.

Critics claim that First Minister Mark Drakeford is determined to push gender ideology and have described it as the latest “highly inappropriate” example of sex and relationships education across the UK.

Teachers are encouraged, in the section on gender identity, to play the “mixed-muffin gender berry challenge” to learn about “how you can’t assume someone’s gender by how they look”.

The pamphlet also recommends that teachers play a “gender-snap pairs” game where they “decide which sex-switching or gender-bending worlds you want to explore” to “crack open a little bit of those rigid gender binaries”.

Additionally, teachers are urged to “pledge to find different ways of dividing young people other than their perceived sex or gender group” as well as citing criticism for gendered uniform policies and gender-segregated toilets for “reinforcing gender norms”.

The former Welsh education minister, Kirsty Williams, has said the pamphlet had been “hugely successful and has been used widely throughout Wales.”

Laura Anna Jones, Welsh shadow education minister, speaking to the Telegraph, said, “The materials being pushed and approved by the Labour Welsh government are highly inappropriate and not at all age-appropriate for our children”.

“The images and suggested teachings are not based on biological fact … Whether it be sex education or self ID, this Labour government in Wales is determined to push gender ideology, against the wishes of the Welsh public.”
Laura Anna Jones

The release of the pamphlet follows Prime Minister Rishi Sunak request last week that an urgent review should be made into sex education in schools.
