Nicola Sturgeon delivers final speech as Scotland's First Minister

Nicola Sturgeon, Scotland's longest-serving First Minister, has delivered her final speech in the role at Holyrood.

Speaking after First Minister's Questions this afternoon, she said being FM had been the "privilege" of a lifetime.

Ms Sturgeon described the job, which she's held since 2014, as “challenging, exhilarating and exhausting”.

Next week, Scotland will learn who will take over from Ms Sturgeon as SNP leader and First Minister.

Health Secretary Humza Yousaf, Finance Secretary Kate Forbes, and ex-Minister Ash Regan are vying for the role.

Nicola Sturgeon Scottish Gove Flickr

Michael Veitch, CARE for Scotland Parliamentary Officer, commented:

"Christians in Scotland have different views on Nicola Sturgeon as a politician, and on her record in government. Today, we note the familiar exhortation by Paul, in one Timothy chapter two, that 'supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions'".

"It is right to thank God for Nicola Sturgeon, and the sovereign purposes of God worked out in Scotland during her tenure in government. We hope that she will hear and respond to the good news of Christ Jesus. And we will be praying, along with Christians across Scotland, for her successor, as they take up the role next week."
