Charity worker arrested for silent prayer vows to pursue full justice

A charity worker arrested last month for silent prayer outside an abortion facility has vowed to pursue a full dismissal of her charges in court after the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) dropped the charges.

Isabel Vaughan-Spruce was arrested and searched by three police officers. When asked whether she was praying, she said she 'might be' praying in her head.

She was arrested and criminally charged with 'protesting and engaging in an act that is intimidating to service users' in a censorship zone around an abortion facility in Birmingham.

While the CPS have discotinued the charges against Ms Vaughan-Spruce, they have also said the charges 'may well start again' in the near future, depending on a further evidential review. This is a warning prosecutors issue if they expect further evidence will be received.

Commenting, Ms Vaughan-Spruce said:

“It can’t be right that I was arrested and made a criminal, only for praying in my head on a public street. So-called “buffer zone legislation” will result in so many more people like me, doing good and legal activities like offering charitable support to women in crisis pregnancies, or simply praying in their heads, being treated like criminals and even facing court. It’s important to me that I can continue my vital work in supporting women who’d like to avoid abortion if they only had some help. In order to do so, it’s vital that I have clarity as to my legal status. Many of us need an answer as to whether it’s still lawful to pray silently in our own heads. That’s why I’ll be pursuing a verdict regarding my charges in court.”
Isabel Vaughan-Spruce
Isabel Vaghan Spruce
