MPs attack Church of England's stance on same-sex marriages

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MPs have launched an angry attack on the Church of England (CoE) for announcing that it will not carry out same-sex weddings in its churches.

In a statement last week, CoE Bishops re-affirmed the historic position of the church, grounded in scripture, that marriage is the union of one man and one woman for life. Whilst affirming church orthodoxy, the Bishops also paved the way for 'prayers of blessing' on sexual relationships that scripture does not condone - both heterosexual and homosexual.

Responding to the news, Labour MP Ben Bradshaw accused the CoE of "continuing to discriminate against lesbian and gay Anglicans in England". Conservative MP Peter Bottomley also spoke out, saying the House of Commons "will not put up with being held up by one third of one part of the General Synod".

Labour MP Chris Bryant MP claimed that the CoE's stance is one of "cruelty" and "hypocrisy", while Tory MP Peter Gibson said the Church "labels gay people as second-class citizens". Last week, UK Minister Penny Mordaunt MP wrote to her local Bishop in Portsmouth to urge him to change his views.

Several MPs have called for the Church of England to lose its position as 'establishment' church, which allows Bishops to sit in the House of Lords.

A spokesman for CARE said:

"The Church of England's statement on the nature of marriage last week accords with the plain teaching of scripture and church doctrine down the centuries, across cultures.

"It is not in any way hateful to state that marriage is the union of one man and one woman, and that sexual relationships outside the marriage covenant are not condoned.

"We are disappointed that some MPs fail to understand the Christian position on issues like marriage. And it is alarming that some think the state should force the church to change its views.

"Religious freedom is a fundamental human right, and it is essential that parliamentarians in the UK continue to uphold it - even if they dislike others' views."
