10 things to pray for 2023

As we begin the new year, many of us will be anxious about what 2023 has in store, with pressures at home and abroad. We hope that this prayer resource will help you to bring to the Lord some of what is on your heart at this current time, and we remember the words of Paul to the Philippians:

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

  1. Lord of the nations, we pray for our government over this upcoming year. We pray that you might bless us with leaders who act with integrity, judge with wisdom and prioritise mercy. We pray in particular for our Prime Minister and the Cabinet, that they might lead effectively, make good decisions and that our nation would prosper. Amen.
  2. Author of life, we beseech you to have mercy on our nation and to bless our work as we look to resist further attempts to introduce assisted suicide legislation this year. May those in power protect the powerless and may our society bear witness and see the inherent worth and dignity you have bestowed everyone with, regardless of their age or illness. Amen.
  3. Creator God, you have made us all, male and female, in your image. We pray that you might lead our society back towards knowledge of your good design for humanity and the sexes and that moves to impose a radical gender ideology might fail. Amen.
  4. King of Kings, we pray for our monarch, King Charles III, and the Queen Consort as they continue to step into their new roles this year. We pray that the Coronation might be a Christ-honouring occasion and that our King would continue to defend the faith, and that he would see his relationship with you deepened. Amen.
  5. Lord of the Church, we lift up the church, and in particular the Church of England, in our prayers. May you guide those making decisions on the church’s future, particularly around sexuality, to a Biblical understanding of our identity as humans; please help them to find solutions to the quagmire the church is in currently, and may we be united, but united around truth, not compromises. Amen.
  6. God of the poor, we remember before you all who are anxious about finances and the cost of living in 2023. You say “Blessed are those who are poor”; may those experiencing financial hardship discover that to be true this year, and help them to trust in you as their great Provider. Amen.
  7. Prince of Peace, we pray for an end to the conflict in Ukraine this year. We pray that you will spare the Ukrainians from further loss of life, and that those responsible for perpetrating crimes will be brought to justice. Amen.
  8. O Lord our healer, we lift to you the crisis in the NHS this winter; we pray that your hand will be on all those who are suffering with illness, that you would be at work in making them better and that they might know your peace which passes all understanding. We pray too that you would be providing more doctors and nurses, and helping the Government as they seek to cut down waiting times. Amen.
  9. Heavenly Father, you delight in inviting children to come to you and you are angry at those who hurt them. We pray for your intervention and to speed up the process in passing the Online Safety Bill which seeks to limit children’s access to pornography. Please give those pushing the bill through perseverance and determination and hinder the efforts of those who seek to exploit young people for financial gain. Amen.
  10. Our Father in heaven, may you continue to fill with your Spirit all those who are working for the Kingdom in our society, and in particular in the world of politics. Please may your Spirit of Encouragement build them up, may they see the fruit of their work, and console them when there are setbacks. Please raise up more godly leaders who will put you first in their work in the public square. Amen.
