Assisted Suicide

Dutch activists seek wide assisted suicide law

Woman in hospital bed

Assisted suicide campaigners are seeking to widen legislation governing the practice in The Netherlands to allow any citizen to participate.

At present, only medical professionals are allowed to assist another person to take their life by giving them drugs.

People in The Netherlands who decide to act privately and participate in assisted suicide can be prosecuted for doing so.

A "right-to-die" group is in court arguing that Dutch law violates human rights and asking for it to be radically overhauled.

Lawyers for the Dutch state argue that euthanasia laws should remain unchanged and suggest the state has a duty to protect citizens.

CARE is campaigning against assisted suicide legislation in Scotland, arguing that it would severely affect the rights of marginalised groups.

In countries where the practice has been legalised, laws have gradually been extended and safeguards have failed, leading to terrible abuses.

To find out more about our work on this issue, visit our cause page: Assisted Suicide | CARE
