5 prayers for our next Prime Minister

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Following nominations by Conservative MPs, Rishi Sunak has been elected as leader of the party and will be our next Prime Minister. The Apostle Paul urges us in 1 Timothy 2:2 to "pray for kings and and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness".

Below you will find some prayers for our new Prime Minister and the Government as they face a range of challenges over the next few months.

  1. Sovereign Lord, we ask that you bless and strengthen Rishi Sunak as he takes up the office of Prime Minister. We ask that you would protect his family and give him the courage and wisdom he needs to navigate how best to lead our country in these turbulent times. Amen.
  2. Almighty God, we pray that you might shield Mr Sunak from the stresses of public office and equip him to respond soundly to the many difficult decisions he will have to make regarding our economy, international relations and domestic unity. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
  3. Lord Jesus, we ask that Mr Sunak’s leadership would model integrity in politics. Would he be compassionate and attentive to the needs of the poor and vulnerable. We pray that the eyes of his heart would be opened to your will. In your name, Amen.
  4. Father, we thank you for the freedoms we have to pray, worship and participate in public life. We pray for good and healthy relationships to grow between churches, local MPs and all Governmental departments. Would we begin to see increased collaboration which seeks the common good, greater engagement and integrity throughout all levels of Government. For Jesus’ sake. Amen.
  5. Lord Jesus, we pray for effective and gracious Christian presence and influence in political debate. Strengthen those you have placed in the corridors of power to wisely explain Biblical truth, allowing the truth about human flourishing to be attentively listened to and courageously acted upon. Amen.
