Prayers for the Royal Family and our nation

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As we continue to mourn the loss of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, we also look to remember and rejoice in the hope of Jesus Christ: “He will wipe away every tear from their eyes and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.” (Revelation 21:4)

Below you can find some prayers remembering the Queen’s service, our new King, Charles III, and those mourning nationwide.

  • God of love and giver of comfort, you have promised to bless those mourn and to bind up the broken-hearted. We ask that you draw near to all those who are grieving, and particularly to the royal family and His Majesty King Charles III. We pray that we might be comforted by your loving embrace and be strengthened in the hope we have in Jesus Christ. Amen.
  • Father of all mercies, as the people of this nation and millions across the world mourn the death of Queen Elizabeth and reflect on her amazing life of duty and selfless service, we pray that the testimony of her deep Christian faith will be especially remembered. May this lead many to consider their own beliefs and turn to you to seek the loving truth of the gospel. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
  • Heavenly Father, we pray for everyone who is waiting to see Her Majesty lying in state in Westminster Hall. Please send help to any who are unwell or in other difficulties. We give thanks for the police, St John's Ambulance, chaplains, and others who are caring for them. In your mercy, hear our prayer. Amen.
  • Mighty God, we pray for everyone who has been given responsibilities and tasks relating to the funeral of Queen Elizabeth. Grant them the wisdom and resources they need to achieve all that is needed to bring honour to her memory, enable us all to mark her death and lift up the holy name of her Saviour and Lord. Amen.
  • Sovereign God, we pray for King Charles and the Queen Consort at this time of mourning and in the coming months as they assume their solemn responsibilities. Please give them strength and wisdom, and grant that they might seek Your blessing – trusting in Your Word of truth and guided by Your loving hand to accomplish all You have ordained for them to be and to do. In Your mercy. Amen.
  • Lord, You rule over all the earth, raising up and pulling down kings and governments throughout the millennia, according to Your purposes of justice, peace and salvation. We thank You for Queen Elizabeth’s achievements as Head of the Commonwealth and how she encouraged reconciliation and offered friendship to world leaders. Please help the King as he seeks to follow in her footsteps. For Christ’s sake. Amen.
  • Father God, we pray for our King as he takes up his role as Supreme Governor of the Church of England. We thank you that he recently commented on the importance of his own faith. We pray that he might defend the Christian faith both at home and abroad, that he might boldly speak about the Gospel as his mother did, and above all, we pray that his relationship with you might flourish. In Jesus' name. Amen.
