Meet our new Director of Advocacy and Policy: Louise Davies

Louise Davies and CARE background

Today our new Director of Advocacy and Policy, Louise Davies, officially starts with us. Louise will be leading our highly talented team of policy experts and we thought we'd ask Louise a few questions so you can get to know her.

Q: Hi Lou, where are you from originally?

A: Sheffield

Q: Can you tell us a bit about your career so far?

A: I was part of the senior leadership team for my church in Sheffield for 15 years. Nine years ago, my senior pastor asked if I would like to follow God's leading into politics and I said yes! I left full-time ministry and started to turn up to Labour Party meetings. In 2015, I stood in the election and lost. After the election, I worked for Paul Blomfield MP. Throughout it all, I was a member of Christians on Left which is an affiliate of the Labour Party. I became the director of Christians on the Left in 2017. Since then, I have had the privilege of speaking into the lives of MPs and the leaders of the Labour Party, supporting Christians entering politics and endeavoring to be salt and light both in Westminster and Sheffield.

Q: How does your faith impact your work?

A: I believe that we serve the God who:

  • parts the sea
  • moves the mountain
  • stills the storm
  • demolishes the wall
  • opens the door
  • heals the sick
  • raises the dead
  • saves the sinner
  • and heals the land.

God has called his people to do mighty exploits. Through this journey, I faithfully show up and believe for the impossible.

Q: How did you first hear about CARE?

A: Thirty-five years ago, as a teenager at Spring Harvest. Also, the author and pastor, Jeff Lucas, recommended that I should check out CARE.

Q: What are you excited about as you start your new role with us?

A: For the past five years, I have been able to impact a small part of the political arena. I am excited that this is a season of enlargement as I engage across the political spectrum. I am believing for supernatural favour for the policy team. Closed doors will be opened!

Q: How can we and our amazing supporters pray for you?

A: Please pray for my wonderful family - my husband Chris, Tom (15) and Ffion (12) - as we transition to the pattern of me being away from home for three days a week. Pray for doors to open so that the policy team can share a better story to an even greater extent.

To keep up to date with Louise's work and that of our Advocacy and Policy Team, why not sign-up for our weekly newsletter, Impact Direct?
