
March for Life 2022 draws record crowds

Mother and baby 6 0

A record number of pro-life Brits attended this year's March for Life in London at the weekend, organisers say.

Police estimates put the number of attendees at around 7,000 people in the procession, which ended at Parliament Square.

The event was supported by pro-life organisations from across the UK, under the theme: ’10 Million Too Many’.

The theme is a reference to the approximate number of abortions that have taken place in the UK since 1967.

The march took place days after the UK Government made dangerous home abortion rules permanent in England and Wales.

The home abortion framework allows a woman to seek pills via a telephone or video call and receive two abortion pills in the post.

Critics have warned that removing in-person medical oversight increases the risk of serious harm to women through complications, or coercion.

Commenting on home abortions, a CARE spokeswoman said:

“Safeguards in place before the pandemic were there for a reason. The new framework is simply incompatible with the level of care that should be expected under normal circumstances. Ministers should reverse this dangerous decision before further evidence of harm against pregnant women emerges.

“The decision is highly irresponsible and removes vital safeguards. There is clear evidence of increased harm to women and babies under the new approach. It is hard to establish meaningful and informed consent given the lack of in-person consultation. There is also a heightened risk of dangerous medical complications occurring.

“Safeguards in place before the pandemic were there for a reason. The new framework is simply incompatible with the level of care that should be expected under normal circumstances. Ministers should reverse this dangerous decision before further evidence of harm against pregnant women emerges.”
