
Scotland home abortion rules extended

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Press Release | A move to extend controversial home abortion rules introduced during the pandemic has been criticised.

This morning, Women's Health Minister Maree Todd confirmed home abortions will continue in Scotland, despite serious safeguarding risks.

CARE for Scotland accused Ms Todd of ignoring "clear evidence" of harms to women, and acting before a thorough review has concluded.

A spokeswoman for the group commented:

“It is alarming that the Scottish Government has decided to extend home abortion rules despite clear evidence of the dangers associated with them, cited by medics and women themselves. Concerns prompted a review of the rules, which is yet to conclude.

“In recent months, experts have warned that these rules, which ditch in person consultation, create a heightened risk of women being forced into abortion by a coercive partner, and make it harder to establish meaningful and informed consent.

“Doctors have also described the serious complications associated with home abortions. An investigation revealed that more than 10,000 women who took DIY abortion pills at home needed hospital treatment to deal with the side effects.

“If the government is genuinely committed to championing women's health and following evidence, it should not have extended these rules. Sadly, it appears it is more interested in appeasing radical campaigners than following medical science.

"Ministers must change course and restore previous safety measures in place before the pandemic, for the sake of women and girls.”


Notes for Editors

Evidence of home abortion harms:

600 medics call for end to home abortion scheme | CARE

More than 10,000 women needed hospital treatment after using abortion pills | CARE

About CARE

CARE brings Christian insight and experience to matters of public policy and practical caring initiatives across the United Kingdom. To arrange an interview, contact Jamie Gillies: jamie.gillies@care.org.uk
