
Call for 'buffer zones' across UK

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Medical leaders are calling for so-called buffer zones to be enforced around abortion clinics across the UK.

The Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Health expressed support for the change today, and UK Ministers have said they are reviewing the issue.

A buffer zone law would make pro-life activity near places where abortions take place a criminal offence.

James Mildred, of CARE, speaks to TWR about buffer zones

The call for legislation covering England and Wales follows pressure to implement buffer zones in Scotland.

Last week, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon agreed to chair a summit on the idea after sustained campaigning by pro-abortion groups.

A member's proposal has also been lodged at Holyrood by Scottish Green Party MSP Gillian MacKay.

Campaign group Compassion Scotland opposes buffer zones legislation. Spokesperson Hannah McNicol told The Guardian:

“Women seek abortions for many reasons and can often be under immense pressure to do so – whether that be financial and employment pressures or coercion from a partner or family member".

"The peaceful presence of volunteers signposting practical support and counsel has been a lifeline in the past to women who feel they have no choice but an abortion.”
