
'Buffer zone' plan at Scottish Parliament

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A bill to criminalise pro-life activity outside hospitals and clinics has been lodged in the Scottish Parliament.

The legislation, from Green MSP Gillian MacKay MSP, would see people who protest abortion within 150 metres of these settings arrested and even jailed.

It follows a campaign by group Back Off Scotland to clamp down on the expression of pro-life views, such as an historic vigil near the main hospital in Glasgow.

The bill will need support from the Scottish Government in order to progress but Ministers have so far been reluctant to support a national buffer zones ban.

Last year, Women's Minister Maree Todd insisted local authorities can make a decision on protests, and said a national ban could breach human rights laws.

Last week, a campaign group called Compassion Scotland was launched to oppose the buffer zones legislation from the Scottish Greens.

Spokesperson Hannah McNicol told The Guardian: “peaceful gatherings” did not amount to harassment and that it would be an “egregious breach of fundamental human rights” to prevent them.

“Women seek abortions for many reasons and can often be under immense pressure to do so – whether that be financial and employment pressures or coercion from a partner or family member", she said.

"The peaceful presence of volunteers signposting practical support and counsel has been a lifeline in the past to women who feel they have no choice but an abortion.”
