Assisted Suicide

Sharp rise in Belgium euthanasia deaths

Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia 28p129 3 0

The number of people accessing assisted suicide and euthanasia in Belgium increased sharply last year, official statistics show.

In 2021, 2,699 people were recorded as dying by assisted death, a 10% increase on the previous year. According to experts, the actual increase could be between 25% and 35% as many deaths are not reported.

In Belgian law, a person must be experiencing "constant and unbearable" physical or mental suffering which is "incurable" to access assisted suicide or euthanasia.

However, these criteria have been interpreted very widely. A young woman with depression and even children have been granted access to euthanasia in the country.

In the UK, private member's proposals designed to legalise assisted suicide are currently being considered in both the House of Lords and the Scottish Parliament.

Baroness Meacher's 'Assisted Dying Bill' has reached Committee Stage in the Lords. It is thought the Bill will not reach the statute book given a lack of cross-party and government support.

A bill by Scottish Liberal Democrat MSP Liam McArthur is expected at Holyrood in the coming months. A consultation on draft proposals closed at the end of last year and received a high volume of responses.

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