Assisted Suicide

Relief as “underhand” move to introduce assisted suicide bill rejected by Peers

Woman in hospital bed

CARE has welcomed the defeat in the House of Lords of an “underhand” move to introduce assisted suicide legislation.

Lord Forsyth, a former Tory Minister who is campaigning for ‘assisted dying’, had lodged an amendment to the Health and Care Bill to force UK Ministers to bring forward a bill. But Peers voted down the move by a margin of 179 votes to 145 at Report stage this evening.

Ross Hendry, CEO of CARE, which campaigns against assisted suicide, commented:

“The attempt to amend the Health and Care Bill in such a profound way was highly cynical in two respects. First, it sought to use vital health and care proposals as a Trojan horse. And second, it sought to force the government’s hand on a highly contentious matter that should rightly be left to parliament.

“Campaigners are seeking to exclude important voices from this debate – particularly disabled groups, the elderly, and those experiencing terminal illness. And they are evading clear evidence about the dangers of ‘assisted dying’, shown clearly in other jurisdictions.

“We recognise that there are strong feelings on both sides of the debate concerning ‘assisted dying’, and that many proponents are motivated by compassion. However, unsafe, and unethical interventions are not the answer. The prescription of lethal drugs is not a moral response to suffering and permitting it would undermine the safety, dignity, and equality of many groups.

“CARE stands with the many charities, medical associations, disability groups and others that oppose assisted suicide and euthanasia. Evidence shows that these practices place invisible pressure on sick and vulnerable people, that ‘safeguards’ are ineffective, and that laws are inevitably widened over time. We must not open the door to them in the UK.”


Notes to Editors

CARE is a Christian charity providing resources and helping to bring Christian insight and experience to matters of public policy and practical caring initiatives.

For more information or to arrange an interview, contact Jamie Gillies:
