
MPs vote to make dangerous at-home abortion scheme permanent in England

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MPs have voted in favour of an amendment to make the controversial at-home abortion scheme permanent in England by 215 to 188 votes, a majority of 27.

Under cover of the covid-19 pandemic, the UK Government changed the rules to allow women to take both abortion pills at home, despite warnings from CARE and others that the move would endanger women.

A few months ago, the UK Government said the scheme would end on 29 August this year. However, when the Health and Care Bill was going through the Lords a few weeks ago, Peers voted in favour of Baroness Sugg's amendment to make the scheme permanent.

In recent weeks, two professional organisations, the National Network of Designated Healthcare Professionals for Safeguarding Children and the Royal College of Paediatricians and Child Health backed the ending of the scheme.

During the debate today in the House of Commons, concerns were raised that the scheme would put women in danger.

Fiona Bruce MP said she and many colleagues were:

"deeply concerned about reports that the taking of both sets of abortion pills at home without direct medical supervision has led to no to a number of deeply concerning, indeed unacceptable, health and safety risks to women and girls in this country. “These include a lack of basic checks by abortion providers before sending abortion pills, the occurrence of severe complications and later term abortions due to the lack of an in person assessment. And we were notably concerned about the greater risk of coercion by a partner or family member, where the doctor does not see the woman in person.”
Fiona Bruce

Dr Caroline Johnson MP also said she would oppose extending the scheme:

“Essentially, for me, this is an issue of do we want to make things more convenient for the majority of women or do we want to protect those women who are most vulnerable, the most marginalised and most at risk?”
Dr Caroline Johnson

The outcome means England joins Wales in making the scheme permanent. The Scottish Government has yet to announce its decision.

A CARE spokeswoman said:

"This was a close vote and many MPs spoke out about the dangers of the at-home abortion scheme and we're grateful to each one for doing so. "It's sad that the safety of women has been placed in jeopardy by a slim majority of MPs. "The at-home abortion scheme is a great loss for unborn babies and will place women under emotional and physical pressure.. "We continue to believe that a better story for England and the rest of the UK involves respecting the value of life from conception through to natural end. "Every abortion is a tragedy and we want to see women who experience the pain of a crisis pregnancy being made genuinely aware of the options open to them."
CARE Spokeswoman
