CARE announces NI Director to step down

Tim Martin min

CARE today has announced that Northern Ireland Director, Tim Martin, will leave the charity to take up a new role as a co-pastor of a church in Millisle.

Tim joined CARE in 2018 and since then has played a huge role in building the presence of CARE NI.

Over his time with CARE NI, Tim led the Fearfully and Wonderfully Made Campaign, based on Psalm 139 which celebrates the wonder of God creating human beings in His image.

CARE CEO Ross Hendry said:

Ross Hendry modified
Ross said Tim had been an amazing ambassador for CARE
“Tim has made a brilliant and inspiring contribution to CARE in Northern Ireland. He has been an amazing ambassador for our organisation and I’m sure you will agree he will be sadly missed. “CARE NI has grown significantly since Tim joined our mission and it’s been a joy to see the fruits of his hard work over the years. I trust I can speak on behalf of you and all our supporters in wishing Tim every blessing as he serves God in this new and exciting venture in Millisle.”
Ross Hendry

Reflecting on his time with CARE NI, Tim Martin said:

Tim web
Tim said he was leaving with a heavy heart but confident in God's plans for CARE
“Over the years it has been such an honor to represent CARE both here in NI and across the water. “Though the work has not been easy, hopefully we have helped and supported some of the most vulnerable in our society and upheld the truth of God’s Word. “Whether it be trying to protect victims of human trafficking or by upholding the value of life, by emphasizing that we are all ‘Fearfully and Wonderfully made’ (ps139), it has been my complete privilege to do so. “I leave with a heavy heart but also confident that CARE and the CARE NI team are in good hands and under God will continue to be a faithful presence and ‘voice for the voiceless’ (Prov 31:8/9) across the province and rest of the UK.”
Tim Martin

CARE NI is based in Belfast and engages with MLAs from across the political divide, seeking to stand up for the voiceless and vulnerable.

Find out more about the CARE NI team.
