Pray for Ukraine

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We've put together a range of prayers to help you pray for the ongoing situation in Ukraine.

Please join with CARE in praying for the Ukrainian people.

Prayer 1

Lord God, we lift up the news about the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Our hearts grieve when there’s war and violence in the world.

We pray for peace. We pray for grieving families and all those who are scared, especially the old and those with young families.

We ask that international leaders may they know wisdom, courage and strength in responding.


Prayer 2

Almighty God, we intercede for the Ukrainian people, now under martial law as Russian forces have launched a military assault, targeting the capital Kyev and other major cities. May they be protected and helped, especially those who are trying to flee from danger. For Jesus’ sake. Amen.

Prayer 3

Lord, please grant wisdom, courage, unity and strength to Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky and those in leadership within the Parliament and the armed forces. We pray for other countries to work together effectively to impose sanctions and take other measures against Russian President Vladimir Putin. In Your mercy. Amen.

Prayer 4

Father, we thank You for our brothers and sisters in the Ukrainian church who are standing in prayer, seeking You in the midst of this crisis and serving others in need around them. Please fill them with the Holy Spirit and strengthen their faith in You as they worship and proclaim the truth of Your Word. In Christ’s name. Amen.

Prayer 5

Holy Spirit, our Counsellor, may the freedom and security of Ukraine and other countries in the region be defended and upheld in coming days. Please raise up wise peacemakers and strategists who can act decisively to defuse this perilous situation so lives can be saved and what Boris Johnson calls ‘this tidal wave of violence’ may recede. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ, we ask it. Amen.

Prayer 6

Father, Your Word says that whoever is kind to the needy honours You. Thank You for the outpouring of generous hospitality and help for the millions fleeing from Ukraine. Please protect, guide and provide for these families and individuals as they journey and settle. In Your mercy. Amen.

Prayer 7

Good Shepherd, please join Your people together with refugees who need assistance. Grant that through UK churches big and small they will find the saving truth and grace of Your gospel alongside life-giving physical provision and compassionate hospitality. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Prayer 8

Prince of Peace, we intercede for an end to hostilities, especially deadly attacks on civilians sheltering in basements, hospitals, schools and travelling to safety. Please raise up on both sides those who desire to find ways to save lives and establish justice and truth. Through Your Spirit’s power. Amen.

Prayer 9

God of all righteousness, please speak powerfully to those throughout the world who have powerful influence in this situation so wisdom and compassion may prevail, and evil overcome. Watch over President Zelensky and others in the Ukrainian government and their families at this perilous time. Amen.

Prayer 10

Lord God Almighty, as the fighting in Ukraine becomes focused on the East of the country, please protect life. May vulnerable people be allowed to leave and find safety elsewhere. We continue to pray that you will bring justice to this whole situation. Please bring this conflict to an end without further loss of life. Amen.

Prayer 11

King of Kings, you hold all authority in your hands. We know you can bring great good out of even the most evil of situation. Please honour and exalt your name by saving many souls. May your Son's Kingdom advance even amidst the darkness. Amen.

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Prayer is one of the greatest gifts God's given to His people. We pray to our heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, in the power and with the help of the Holy Spirit.

CARE's quarterly Prayer Diary covers an immense range of topics, helpfully arranged day-by-day to spur you on to pray. You'll also find our 10 ways to pray series, alongside wider prayer resources.

Prayer Diary author Celia Bowring and CARE's James Mildred discuss prayer
