CARE pays tribute to "courageous" MLA after tragic death, aged 39

Tim Martin min

Social policy charity CARE NI has paid tribute to Christopher Stalford who tragically passed away today, aged 39.

Hailing Mr Stalford’s commitment and courage, CARE CEO Ross Hendry said:

“All of us at CARE are deeply saddened by this sudden and tragic loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with Christopher’s wife Laura and their four children.

“In recent months, our team had worked closely with Christopher on a Bill which aimed to safeguard babies with disabilities.

“We appreciated his courage, strength of conviction and his commitment to that Bill and to many others over his time in the Assembly.

"He was a deeply committed follower of Jesus and was a great example to any Christian wanting to work in politics.

“He exhibited the very best qualities and was, by all accounts, a superb MLA, loved and respected across the political divide.

“As a team we will pray for his family and trust they know God’s love, grace and strength in these very difficult days.”
