Pray in response to the English Channel tragedy

St Anne27s Prayer event 0

Statement by Ross Hendry, CEO of CARE

Last night, it emerged that 27 people perished in the English Channel attempting to reach the UK from France.

This terrible loss of life has shaken our country and the situation remains highly dangerous. The BBC today confirmed more boats have since attempted a crossing, in dangerous winter conditions.

As Christians, our first response should always be prayer. Let’s pray for the families of those who were lost, that they would find the comfort only God can provide in the face of death.

Let’s pray for those now considering a dangerous crossing of the Channel, thrust into the hands of traffickers or people smugglers who have no regard for their safety.

And let’s pray for wisdom for political leaders, in both France and the UK, as they consider what action can be taken to address the situation.

At CARE, human trafficking and modern slavery are of particular concern to us. We have campaigned on these issues for many years now and continue to work with politicians to bring positive reforms.

These crimes are growing in the wake of humanitarian crises in the Middle East and Afghanistan. It is crucial that legislators step up efforts to spot exploitation, curb criminals, and help victims.

Please also pray that more would be done by those in power to tackle trafficking and modern slavery. And consider writing to your MP about the need for better, tailored support for victims.

Our briefing on the Nationality and Borders Bill, currently before Parliament, shows how aspects of the bill could undermine support.

Briefing: Nationality and Borders Bill
