CARE statement: International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women (IDEVAW)

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Today, 25 November, marks the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.

A minute of silence has been held to mourn victims and show solidarity with women and girls who are experiencing various forms of violence.

As a charity that campaigns against commercial sexual exploitation, human trafficking, and pornography, CARE is keenly aware of the toxic, degrading and dangerous culture that exists in the UK, and globally.

Women and girls are overwhelmingly the victims of sexual violence in these cruel industries. And they are harmed by a wider culture, disseminated through media and the arts, that affirms objectification.

Much more needs to be done on a legislative level to curb exploitation and uphold the human rights of victims. We are campaigning for various changes that would bring about positive change.

We believe the Nordic Model, criminalising the purchase of sex and supporting women out of prostitution, should be adopted in every part of the UK, following successful implementation in Northern Ireland.

We are fighting for greater support for victims of modern slavery and human trafficking, many of whom are women, subjected to physical and sexual violence by men.

And we are agitating for tougher regulation of online pornography, which fuels sexual harassment and abuse and feeds a wider narrative that says women and girls are mere objects for male pleasure.

We are thankful to all our supporters for partnering with us in this work and ask that you would continue to lobby politicians to bring about these changes, to the benefit of our communities.

As a Christian charity, we are inspired by the belief that all human life is inherently precious, and worthy of dignity and respect. Governments have a moral obligation to honour and protect life in all its forms.

The Bible reminds us of God’s particular concern for those who are vulnerable, weak, and exploited by others. Micah chapter 6 condemns various forms of injustice and calls for believers to act. Verse 8 says:

“He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?”

God calls on His people to show compassion and justice. We will strive to do this in the years to come, with His grace.
