Online Safety Prayer

Father, we pray for more solutions to protect children and young people from accessing inappropriate and harmful online material. Please help the government to pass effective legislation and bless initiatives that provide education and advice to those affected.

Father, please help us to shield children and teenagers from explicit images, language and cultural influences that threaten to rob them of the innocence of childhood. Prompt us to pray more and to voice our concerns to the appropriate authority. Amen.


Oth­er Pray­er Points

  • Pray that parliament would be receptive to measures to ensure children are afforded the same protection online as they are offline.
  • Pray about the increase in ‘cyber bullying’-when an individual or group tries to threaten, tease or embarrass someone by using a mobile phone or the internet. This affects children and adults and, if it gets out of hand, can lead to gross intrusion of privacy and other serious problems.
  • Pray that parents and others concerned about online safety will become aware of organisations that help young people make the best use of the internet for their education, entertainment and social networking.
  • Pray for all children especially those you know, and ask for God’s protection as they grow up and learn more about the world, often through mobile phones and computers.
Pornography 2

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