Care thank you
Why give to CARE?

CARE is supported by individual Christians and churches across the UK. We simply could not do what we do without your financial support and generous help.

But what will your gift achieve? How will it be used? We wanted to share with you the different ways your generosity is used to advance the cause of God's Kingdom.

This short film explains the dif­fer­ent ways you can sup­port our work financially.

There are many dif­fer­ent ways to donate to CARE…

You can donate to CARE in a number of ways: the quickest method is through our online donation form which allows you to set up a regular gift via Direct Debit, or a one-off gift.

For regular giving, while CARE prefers Direct Debit because the administration is more efficient, you can set up a standing order, or make a bank transfer. To enable us to identify your gift and ensure it is allocated correctly to your record, please request your reference number from Supporter Relations on 020 7233 0455 or by e-mailing

There are different accounts for regular and one-off gifts:

Account no: 65413962
Sort code: 08-90-61

For regular payments

Account no: 07181688
Sort code: 30-99-50

For one-off donations

You can also send cheques to CARE, if this is your preferred means of giving. Please make the cheque out to CARE and post the cheque to CARE, 53 Romney Street, London, SW1P 3RF.

Legacy gifts are crucial to our future work. Once you have considered your family and friends, you may wish to remember CARE in your will. However large or small it may be, leaving a legacy to CARE can help us to make a significant Christian difference to our society and build a better future for subsequent generations. Please get in touch to talk about leaving a legacy to CARE.

Gift Aid
Please Gift Aid your donation
Westminster from London Eye
Your gift helps us influence laws and legislation for good
Grads 2009
Your Gift helps us train the next generation of Christian leaders
Tablescape of an open Bible, smart phone and hot drink
Your Gift helps us equip individual Christians and churches
Your Gift means we can provide a trusted source of news

Donate to Care

Your donation to CARE enables us to continue to work towards a culture and society reflecting a better story for everyone.

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Donations are securely processed.

CARE relies on your donations. It is the gifts that you give that enable us to campaign for the causes that matter, to equip MPs to speak for truth, and to engage with policy shapers to bring an informed and authentic Christian worldview.